Saturday, December 22, 2012

Walking to the Ends of the Earth

On Monday we had a wonderful day preaching high up in the mountaintops!  Our friend Manoah is here visiting and also Bry's aunt, Trudi.  We left at 7:30 am to meet the group.  There were 25 of us that packed into 1 pickup truck! 

As we were slowing inching up the mountain roads, there were times that I wondered if we would start rolling backwards!  At least Aaron and Manoah were hanging off the back so they could have jumped off quickly! 

The sun was pretty strong that day so it was a nice break to take an afternoon coffee break by the river!

We are always so amazed at the young ones here.  Even children as young as 5 years old come out with us on these long days!  They love searching for wild flowers and fresh fruit trees along the way and practicing singing their Kingdom Melodies! 
Then, the next day we went on a hiking trip to the Panacam Lodge.  Its in the Cerro Azul National Forest and includes an area called the "cloud forest"!  You are actually above the clouds and can look down on top of them!  It was such a beautiful and scenic day.   But boy, were we tired after 2 straight days of hiking up mountains!!

As you can tell, we are a very serious group!! 

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