At the ceremony we were told a little bit of the history of Jehovah's Witnesses in our town. In the 80's and 90's a group of Witnesses from a nearby town called Seguatepeque would come periodically and preach door to door in our area. Sometimes they would even ride their bicycles here if they couldn't find transportation; a distance of more than 15 miles! In 1996 there was enough interest that they started an official group in Taulabe. There were about 6 people from one village and another handful from other villages. They would all meet in an old ladies house once a week to study the Watchtower. Later, as we kept growing, responsible brothers, elders, were assigned here. In 2009, we were big enough to become an official congregation. Bry started coming to Honduras back in 2008 when it was still a group and warmly remembers the days when there were only 12 sisters meeting together!
We spent Friday afternoon cleaning up the hall and getting ready for all the guests...
Everyone did a wonderful job at cleaning and cooking and preparing. The big day arrived and everything went well. We had made little bookmarks with a picture of our new Kingdom Hall and the day's program to give away as gifts. Also a DVD was made with pics and videos from the previous months' construction. During the program, different ones were interviewed to tell about their history here and how things have progressed. We also had a visiting speaker from the north coast to give the dedication talk. The food fortunately turned out beautifully also! Everyone enjoyed themselves and the program.
This really made Manoah miss you all