Friday, December 20, 2013

Apartment Remodel

Just wanted to share a few pics of our apartment.  We've been slowly redecorating for the past year and a half.  Its not easy to find stuff down here! So we bring a few things back here and there from the states or buy them at random shops that we might find in the big city.  Bry wishes she could be more crafty and put into action all her "Pinterest" ideas, but since we're here in Honduras this will have to do.

So we started by removing a small half wall in our kitchen to make more room. Now its more of an island.  Also notice the "vibrant" colors of the walls!!

Then we painted it a nice calm plum and grey color in the kitchen and living-room area...
We finally got to hang up some pictures of family and friends...

This is the hallway between the two bedrooms...

Aaron did some wiring so we could move the TV and we salvaged an old sound box from the kingdom hall and fixed it up for a TV stand...and the most exciting part: a new couch!

On to the bedrooms...first sanding and washing all the walls down.  We hired a friend, Diana, to come help with the project. Again, notice the lovely old colors!

Before and after of the guest room:
 It went from peach and lime green to plum and an aqua/teal color.  Its kind of a peacock theme.


Our bedroom went from mint green to a nice chocolate with teal accents.

Bry was excited to get new curtains and be able to put up some wedding pictures finally!

So that's pretty much it so far.  We'll keep working on it little by little. Its nice to make it feel like "home"!