Sunday, November 18, 2012

First Meeting in our New Kingdom Hall

Yesterday we had our very first meeting at our new Kingdom Hall (where Jehovah's Witnesses have their religious services).  As I mentioned in our previous post, Kingdom Halls all around the world are built entirely by volunteers.  This particular project took about 2 months to complete and had volunteers come from all over the world.  All the funds for the build are contributed from Jehovah's Witnesses around the world.  Without these funds and volunteers, we would never have been able to have such a beautiful place to meet!

We were not able to help with the project, as we were working in the US at the time.  However we had a great privilege of being there yesterday for the first meeting!  We had about 66 people in attendance, which was wonderful since there are only about 33 Witnesses in Taulabe.  Many in the community even stopped by to peek inside before we started.  It IS the only building with a parking lot in our town after all!

We had beautiful new bench seats, new sounds equipment, bathrooms with running water and flush toilets (WOW!) and even overhead fans!  I feel like we are livin in luxury now! 

Everyone was all smiles when the first meeting started.  Even though there was a random helicopter that kept circling over the building the whole time!  What are the chances that the exact time of our meeting, someone decides to land a helicopter right next door in a soccer field??
 Our little buddy Jonatan reading his assigned bible verses.  He is in the Theocratic Ministry School.  It is a school to help us learn how to be better public speakers and converse with people that we encounter in our ministry work.

 This is an older shot of the outside of the building during the construction work. Sorry I don't have one of it when its all cleaned up and finished :)

And finally, this is everyone in attendance.  You can almost see our little white faces all the way in the back! Haha.  It will be a day that we remember forever.  The Taulabe congregation has come SO far in the past few years and grown so much.  They very much deserve this beautiful meeting place that they can be proud of! 

Monday, November 12, 2012

Saying Goodbye to Minnesota!

Well its time to head home.  We've been in the US since August working and spending time with family and friends.  But now its time to get back to our real life!  We have missed our friends down in HN sooo much and can't wait to get home and catch up on everything.
While were were gone we had a Kingdom Hall built (its what we call our place of worship or where the Jehovah's Witnesses have our services).  A group of volunteers from various countries came to help build our new hall.  Although we were sad to miss out on the action, we are so appreciative of all the volunteers' hard work and efforts.  Some were people that live in Honduras and do this construction work full-time.  Others came from other central american countries and still others came all the way from the U.S.  The stories that I've heard about the project sound absolutely amazing!  Can't wait to get back and see the finished product!  We will post pics and more details when we arrive home on Weds.

We fly out on Weds morning at 5:30 am..Yuck!  But we leave with happy hearts and full bellies! Haha...we've definitely taken advantage of being back in the states.  Went to McDonalds, Olive Garden and Chipotle as much as possible!  That should hold us till next year. Of coarse we can never get enough of family while we're back.  We love to spend time with our niece and nephew, Ruby and Zane.

We wish we could be with them for longer but thankfully they are SO supportive of our lifestyle.  We are only able to keep doing what we do because of the love and support of our family and friends.  Thank you to you all for everything you do!  We look forward to next year and already miss you all!